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Friday, December 18, 2020

A path forward - Every Industry matters


The latest:  

A valuable resolution that meets the requirements for everyone involved:  

Every Industry matters!

Elucidation for the Australian Government: 

By making "the code" for the News/Media industries, it is not accepting that the changes that have been requested in this arrangement, will be ruining fair process for everybody else! 

The result will be that the rest of us, the majority, will be unacceptably, excessively inconvenienced and exorbitantly, inordinately, intolerably disrupted, for a minority! 

This is a matter of utmost urgency in there are so many contributing factors that must be taken into consideration, seeing that this will change fair trading for the majority and so accepting different options must be considered as high priority. 

How the final arrangement, agreed to by all involved, will change what is already a well balanced, continually novaturient, constantly updated fair process and put it in a place far from where it is fair for all needs to be considered. 

Changing it to a lop sided, uneven, unbalanced set of costly disruptive effects on good services, with that affecting the balanced system with priority leaning towards the minority is not acceptable. 

The costs of business are always varied with every industry. The longer you are in business there are always ways to improve and make the best of the services that are used to make business more efficient and effective in all areas. This is considered in these systems at this stage. The new code will remove that status and not consider every industry. 

We all have been in a position that has developed for many years that is even and  balanced for every business. The costs to us in changing the system as stated by the Australian Government with the introduction of a code that leaves a huge gap in the costs to every company and business. 

It means that all will not be given the opportunities to get the advantages of search engine optimisation with the even equation as it exists at this time. 

Changing this system as it is now will leave a lot of people without and that does not make sense. There needs to be a resolution that allows for fair balance and that means the Australian Government code must be changed to reconsider every other industry.

It can do this so that there can be a position that is far more to their advantage by working around the changes only affecting the News areas, and making the agreement more suitable and feasible for conveniences that suit all businesses and industries... 

Read more here  

from Google Australia -  

The News Media Bargaining Code remains unworkable—but there is a path forward

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