AdSense Page-level Ads

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Speaking the same language

*Now you are #talking!* Everyone speaks the same #language when we are all Talking #translate
+Google Translate

Monday, November 28, 2016

Made by Google! Pixel plus Pixel XL sell like hotfire!

Seeing the best and giving you all the right information #Android showing the stats of what is selling like hotfire. The inscription says *Made By Google* for outstanding exceptional excellence, the time is always right for the #Pixel plus #PixelXL

A report from Morgan Stanley predicts 3 million units of the recently launched Google Pixel and Pixel XL will be sold in 2016, with up to 6 million in 2017.

Aspire to inspire! Stay positive!

Good morning. Thank you +William Rock​ for caring and sharing this totally #uplifting excellent #instrumental #masterpiece! You rock! Rock on. Stay strong. Take care. Have fun! Cheers! #Avicii #classical
*Aspire to inspire*

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016

Video branding

Branding with #video excellence, getting IT right with +Think with Google

Essential business

Looking into the most essential trends for all #business See IT here with +DoubleClick

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hangouts, Allo plus Duo. See clear communication made better..

Connection with clarity on +hangouts google​ with alert #Allo assertion plus #Duo distinct definition.

Thank you +PierreHenriBEGUIN for sharing on +Google+​ these brilliant business apps for all types of conferences, meetings and projects.

Nifty, fast, efficient for all your communication that matters. I.T. is a matter of size and time put in perspective. Get your message meetings projected exactly how you want when you need I.T. Check this out

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Google AppsFor Work 
Getting I.T. right for you and your business. C.A.S.H. is Caring And Sharing Help, C.A.S.H. is Caring And Sharing Hope, C.A.S.H. is Caring And Sharing Happiness, recommends Google Apps for Work  See here now how to get the best for your business.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Lets play

 Baseball the 10 best baseball apps for #Android
 Baseball is America's self proclaimed past time and with smartphones, it's easier than ever to enjoy the game. Check out these great baseball apps!

Earn Google Play credit here now

Earn Google Play credit by answering short surveys. Download Google Opinion Rewards now:

Aberdeen Highland Games 2016

The Games begin with a parade of bands, clan representatives and others that leads into the Massed Band Salute and Chieftain's Address that officially opens the day. Throughout the day there will be fun for all the family - there will be Highland and Country Dancing, Pipe Band displays, Strong Man events with the Tartan Warriors to enjoy as well as tug-of-war, egg tosses, three-legged races, and the famed Kilted Dash to participate in. A multitude of stores and stands will surround the area selling all manner of Scottish heirlooms and souvenirs, clothing and garb, and food and drink to complete your day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Simply smart business with DoubleClick

Getting your business to the top with Google Cloud Platform.

Getting to the best for your business with Google Cloud Patform

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Lets Play Baseball is America's self proclaimed past time and with smartphones, it's easier than ever to enjoy the game. Check out these great baseball apps!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Active with Android It's brawn vs beauty but which is better? Should you pick the rugged Samsung Galaxy S7 Active over its sexier sibling? Let's find out in this full review.

Get the best with Android In what appears to be either a press invite or promotional poster leak, Samsung's new Note is seen in silhouette form. Details and analysis within.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Plis Your business for all business

Looking good for all business. See the latest to assist you now. Get the facts right, working your I.T from the  beginning with +Google+,  #PlusYourBusiness See this opportunity, a #YouTube bonanza!  Make sure to put this one on your calender

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Travel the world at your leisure. Get the best deals now!
Download the app.from Google Play. See the best for any type of business.

The App has some nice new features for finding and booking a place to stay from your phone - you can download the new version at:

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Why wait! Get it happening now!

Google Tag Manager lets you launch new tags any time with a few clicks, so you never miss a measurement or marketing opportunity.


Google Data studio is all about you, your business, Marketing made simple and strong. Get the right data required when you need IT. Timong matters. Get Google Analytics.

Google Data studio is all about you but and your business. Making the information, tips, tools and resources available at the right time sets the best methods for your programs, keeping your business in front.  Marketing made simple and strong. Get the right data required when you need IT. Timong matters. Get Google Analytics 360 suite. Google Data studio is what you need now. Check it out!

Google Analytics 360 suite

Google Apps for work best for all business

Monday, March 21, 2016

[March 22nd, 11am IST] Google Partners Certification Refresher: Shopping

[March 22nd, 11am IST] Google Partners Certification Refresher: Shopping: How would you like to make it possible for customers to buy your products right as soon as they search for them? Learn to use the Merchant Center to set up Shopping campaigns, and have your products listings appear in searches. This live event will prepare you to take the Shopping Certification exa...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Just4Cash4You Caring And Sharing Help, Caring And Sharing Hope, Caring And Sharing Happiness is all about You and Your business:
C.A.S.H. is
Caring And Sharing Help,
Caring And Sharing Hope,
Caring And Sharing Happiness.

J4C4U The Program that works with You. Impressive Tips, Tools and Tactics to Help you advance your business productivity online.
Moving towards the best business for all.
Incorporating and assimilating Information Technology into your daily business plans.  Developing your Product, service and or Brands Social Media influence and using the most advanced and progressive intellectual platform available for improving all your business online with #GooglePlus
Productive projection of the positive interactions between humans and technology aimed at producing programs to improve living standards at all levels of life here on this amazing earth of ours. Developing communication and actions to access the highest possible standards and making these available to all via the internet community. Synchronizing new ideas and plans for activation of best practices. Inciting and inviting stimulation for productive use of all resources available to provide positive action in all plans.
Just4Cash4You helps business by incorporating input and feedback from your business members, customers and staff. Then by using this in sharing of the ideas of every individual in your team to increase team spirit with motivation and inspiration, and improving business for all.
1.       Increasing Resource accessibility and availability via the internet.
2.       Direction where to access your best tools for your business and its market.
3.       Expanding and explaining the best ways to use the best tips and tools along with when and why this is needed for each level of your business plan.
4.       Reporting and tracking connections and actions that work best with your business.
5.       Brainstorming new and wonderful benefits and assets. Making these accessible to your business and how they can work best.
6.       Developing time frames and setting projects for future development.
7.       Putting programs into action online to work and improve your productivity and income as soon as possible for your business.
Just4Cash4You will assist your business online using above mentioned methods and procedures to get the best available for your business and apply these policies to your everyday business programs in social media marketing and promotions.
The place to start is by finding the best place to initiate your business promotions. J4C4U recommends that Google+ is the place to start for every type of business online today. Get your business registered and in the Search Engine Optimization rankings on the top level from the start. A Google Plus profile and social media interaction  is the place to start. Get you best collections working for you and your business. Start new communities plus join existing communities in your industry. Working together to make things better for all. The best marketing is direct target marketing, programmatic marketing getting the message about the benefits of your products and services to the people who need and want your products and services.
It is about getting to those who are interested, no longer just throwing your message to the wind. Get it to the right people at the right time with

When you work with Google products and services, then automatically your business has top level search engine optimization. Everyone talks about the best ways, the best plans and action to take to get the best SEO. You can have it in your hands, best for your business and customers when you are using Google Products and services. Dealing direct with Google, Google+ and all the amazing Google Products for all businesses in every industry is an essential business plan. Also being aware of partnerships that can assist not only small businesses, but also big business to the same degree. In addition when you take control of your website, with the assistance of Just4Cash4You you see the results, and improved income your internet listings have for your business when you get it seen in social media by using the knowledge supplied to you here and in further notifications from Just4Cash4you as we go through many methods you can use to be the Top in your industry online in all areas of social media.
It is all about advertising, marketing and promotions, In society today being mobile is what matters. We all are involved in the internet in our personal and professional business to some extent. Getting the message to those who want to hear and see it is where all businesses are now using social media.  Google Plus is the connection platform. Specializing in connections, collections and communities where all can care and share their interests, plus products and services that they can help their community and raise the standards of living in doing so. Having the best product, and or service it is always required. Making it all about helping as many people as we can is the way people are today. To get the world to be aware of what you have to share and or sell as per common business sense. Sharing the benefits of your products and services is crucial in best business practices.
In any industry if advertising is all that is seen people quickly lose interest, so it is best to mix into your advertising online other interesting articles and posts about what you are offering. Other promotional methods that still remain in the range of what your service or products specialises in, as long as it is not direct advertising posts. For example articles, notices and information about the industry your product is related to. If you are selling cars then articles on automation events and races. If you are an electrician, then events that are arranged locally and internationally to improve products and services in your industry, or if you sell electrical products then interesting information on how those products can be used and what events they can be used in or for. If you are Musicians and wish to advertise your music, then also include themes and information about the music you write and or the people in your band. If you are cleaners then the products you use, the areas you specialize in and are best known for. Then information about those who recommend you, the list goes on; it is different for every business. The point is as noted to verify your specialty and work around this with your marketing and promotions online. Social media is the best avenue for all businesses to advertise today and the way for it to work best for you is to use the best methods on the best platforms in the best timing available to your business.
Just4Cash4You assist in the marketing and promotions of your business online. Once you have a website online, there are many variables used for ranking. It is always important to get traffic, specifically people who are interested and so it counts in the numbers of people and customers that visit your site and the amount of time they spend there. So it is obvious the higher the numbers of hits you have and the longer they stay there then the better ranked your business will be in your industry. All of these factors are listed and explained for you in the Google AdSense, AdWords and Google Analytics websites.
The idea of Just4Cash4You is to assist you make best use of the advice and resources you can get with Google and where to find and use the information best for your business. This J4C4U website has tips, tools and resources along with extra articles and information for best business practices for all businesses in any industry. To keep the customers continually hitting on your site, buying and using your products and services, and returning to your website it is best to keep your website “Alive” in social media. J4C4U works at continually promoting what your site has to offer and assisting in changing the content with a variety of information as listed above.
For those who do not have a business to promote or market and you are looking to find income online as a full time industry you can start your own business in, or as an affiliate marketer working to assist others in promoting their programs, then J4C4U will assist in offering advice as to where are the best companies and programs to work with and from experience and statistics, who are those that pay the best for you to earn a full time or part time income online.